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There is a large part of Truck SUV drivers (not all) who should not be driving them, have no idea how to see out of it and can't park. They think because they sit up high enough to see what's in front of them that it means they don't have to worry about what's behind them or beside them.

They take a suck down gas like it's mixed drinks at an open bar. Not sure why you would own them even with a family of 4 there are better options.
Discussion starter · #22 ·
Discussion starter · #23 ·
There is a large part of Truck SUV drivers (not all) who should not be driving them, have no idea how to see out of it and can't park. They think because they sit up high enough to see what's in front of them that it means they don't have to worry about what's behind them or beside them.

They take a suck down gas like it's mixed drinks at an open bar. Not sure why you would own them even with a family of 4 there are better options.
Had a guy in a big Chevrolet something-or-other SUV a few days ago line up beside me in a double left-turn lane. I was on the inner turn lane, for "thru traffic" and he was in the outer left turn lane, primarily for shopping center access traffic, as the lane merged into mine only a hundred feet past the intersection.

The left arrow came on so I went. He (as with most people) was slow on the draw, but apparently he was supposed to be ahead of me, as he floored it, came racing up nearly to my side, saw that his lane had run out, then started swaying side to side as he nailed his brakes, to keep from rear-ending me. He drove like a sane person after that, with an expected following distance.

Apparently he thought he'd "wow" his honey with the awesome agility and speed of his high-slung Denali or whatever that thing was, by getting around me in the outer turn lane and cutting me off???

Who knows?

Sometimes I wish I still had my silver fog Tacoma. It didn't draw out the weirdos like my red Pony does.
Had a guy in a big Chevrolet something-or-other SUV a few days ago line up beside me in a double left-turn lane. I was on the inner turn lane, for "thru traffic" and he was in the outer left turn lane, primarily for shopping center access traffic, as the lane merged into mine only a hundred feet past the intersection.

The left arrow came on so I went. He (as with most people) was slow on the draw, but apparently he was supposed to be ahead of me, as he floored it, came racing up nearly to my side, saw that his lane had run out, then started swaying side to side as he nailed his brakes, to keep from rear-ending me. He drove like a sane person after that, with an expected following distance.

Apparently he thought he'd "wow" his honey with the awesome agility and speed of his high-slung Denali or whatever that thing was, by getting around me in the outer turn lane and cutting me off???

Who knows?

Sometimes I wish I still had my silver fog Tacoma. It didn't draw out the weirdos like my red Pony does.
I will never understand people getting in the outside lane of double turns trying to pass you in the inside. It's -not- going to happen. You hardly even have to try from the inside to stay in front. Extra true in a left since you need to swing so much farther out.

Hell, a double turn lane is where my 'stang even got it's first injury. Though, I was in the outside, and the other guy apparently thought he needed to be right where I was at that exact moment. Maybe in the middle of the turn he forgot he needs to keep turning the steering wheel, I don't know.

There's just something wrong with this state, I swear. I don't have anywhere near as many stupid encounters in other states, not even Cali.
Discussion starter · #25 ·
What's worse are the double turn lanes that dump out into 3, 4 and 5 lane traffic. People on the inside lanes ALWAYS start crossing traffic INSIDE the intersection, as they want access to the outer lanes after the turn but don't want to wait in the outer turn lane at the signal!!!

If I could count all the times I was almost nailed by someone coming into my lane in a double lane turn! One lady even flipped me off because she couldn't run me out of my own lane! I had a wild hair after that, so I boxed her in when she tried getting the jump on me, as her lane was closed up ahead due to construction. I would ordinarily have let it go, but that middle finger earned her a spot at least 5 cars back from where she would have been, had she treated it like an honest mistake. The lane crossing during turns is scary in this nut house!
Discussion starter · #26 ·
My take on it is not so much revenge/getting even as it is putting the potential road hazard behind me, as I have no idea what Evel Knievel stunts they might pull on other traffic, once they're ahead of me. Better to put the obvious kook behind or figure out some other way to get out of their path.
Double lefts are a problem lately, and I don't know why. Twice in the last two weeks I was on the outside, from a stop, and the car on the inside just moves over into my lane while making the turn. I guess they just didn't see me IN MY RED EXPEDITION.
From my experience pick up truck drivers "in general" are ******* A-holes!
I don't know what it is about a Ram on your hood but they all seem to want to give it to a mustang up the a**. Must just be them wanting to live out an erotic fantasy that they have been keeping a secret for too long. :winks
Another favorite:

When they try to use left-turning lanes as passing lanes, and the bigass truck doesn't have nearly the acceleration to get ahead of you - but he guns'er and goes for it anyway, and then tries cutting back into the proper lane (whether you're there or not) before it cuts off at the turn.

That's classic.
Sounds like my Uncle in his F-250 turbo diesel. He always tells me how he can smoke any mustang on the road.
Sounds like my Uncle in his F-250 turbo diesel. He always tells me how he can smoke any mustang on the road.
I was going to ask what he's been smoking, but you already answered that. :winks
lol that was me that said that. I had an encounter with one.

These 2 vids are what made me notice it. I thought it was just a coincidence till it happened to me too. I can only find this one now though.

Pickup driver tries to kill motorcyclist. - YouTube
That is truly disgusting. I have some frustration about motorcyclists like that who also endanger the lives of others by making risky maneuvers like crossing on double yellow. (Although in this particular case, perhaps a passing zone would've been warranted). Of course the truck driver's reaction is completely insane, and he is being even more of a danger by far than those motorcyclists by riding all the way on the left side of the road through those curves.

I would never try to harm someone on a motorcycle who is making a bonehead move (as the truck driver in the video attempted to do), but I'm certainly not going to bend over backwards to try to accommodate them. If I had those motorcycles behind me and I could sense that they wanted to get ahead of me, I probably would've pulled over at the next safe place to do so to let them by, though. Getting revenge is absolutely stupid!
You think it's bad in our 5.0's, you should have seen what they were like with me in my Lightning. It was a fun truck, and fairly quick for what it was, but every single dillhole in a truck wanted to measure themselves against it to see if they could keep up. I even had construction workers in company trucks trying to get me to race them.

I'll admit I indulged a few, but it really got tiresome... and some people are really reckless when they're trying to goad someone into being stupid with them on the road.
When I rode a MC I had several techniques for getting rid of the wannabe racers and tailgaters.

The first works in city traffic only. At a stop light go through stopped traffic to the head of the line and bolt out of there when the light turns green. When I commuted into Boston that was my standard routine entering Storrow Drive. I'd accellerate to 4 over very quickly and traffic wouldn't catch up for a good two miles.

On highways and two lane country roads I'd make them pass me. First of all, never ride in the center of the lane because that's where the oil slick is. Never ride on the right side because they'll pass you and take up the half of the lane that you aren't using. Ride on the left side of the lane, slow to 5 below the speed limit on a straight section of road, then wave them around you.

If they don't pass then speed up to 4 or 5 over the posted limit, wait until they are on your ass again then do a "reverse pass": put your left turn signal on, move over to the passing lane then slow down quickly and get back in the travel lane behind them.

In a car on a highway I'll set the cruise control for 4 or 5 over, then every minute or so drop 1 mph until they get the message and pass.
Hey I have a red 04 L with only 10,000 miles lol and the candy red 2012 5.0 plus my daily a 97laser red t-bird......I guess you could say I like red....
Great looking pair. I really wish I could have afforded to keep my L and get the GT, but it was one or the other because my wife needed a new car too. I'll miss the L, and maybe one day I'll find another one, but for a pure toy I had to go with the new GT.
always be on guard

makes me wanna paint my dakota red.seriously,from what i see everyday they are few "good" drivers anymore.doesn't matter what they drive.
My take on it.

Do I think that all pickup truck drivers are type A, aggressive drivers?


Do I think that most type A, aggressive drivers drive pickup trucks?

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